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 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 13 Fév 2022 11:10 
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Inscrit le: 17 Déc 2011 05:22
Messages: 5114
Mais qui est le mystérieux acheteur d’or relevé ces derniers temps sur le marché du métal précieux ? Alors que la “relique barbare” a fait mieux que résister face à d’importants vents contraires ces derniers mois, entre la forte remontée des taux d’intérêt réels (les taux moins l’inflation) et l’appréciation du dollar (qui semble toutefois avoir connu un coup d’arrêt dernièrement face à l’euro), un acheteur d’or d’envergure s’est manifesté à l’achat sous la barre psychologique de 1.800 dollars l’once. Et ce gros acheteur pourrait bien être un investisseur souverain (un Etat). En effet, début février, Bloomberg notait en effet que c’était ce qu’on pouvait supposer, après analyse des détentions d’ETF (trackers, fonds indiciels) et des contrats à terme.

"L’analyse penche en faveur d’un acheteur étatique (une banque centrale), capable d’opérer sur les marchés discrètement et d’assurer la chaîne logistique”, explique Laurent Schwartz, PDG du Comptoir National de l’Or. “Bien que les banques centrales rapportent mensuellement au FMI leurs avoirs en or, il arrive que celles-ci le fassent avec retard. Le meilleur exemple restant la Chine, qui à deux reprises (2009 et 2015) avait soudainement déclaré des augmentations de réserves de plusieurs centaines de tonnes”, fait en outre valoir le spécialiste de l’or et des métaux précieux.

https://www.capital.fr/entreprises-marc ... en-1428124

Our entire currency system is imaginery. It doesn't really exist. It's just that we're all dreaming the same dream. If anybody chooses to wake up... It's over with...

 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 02 Mar 2022 15:58 
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Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2008 17:48
Messages: 3693

 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 04 Mar 2022 16:11 
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Inscrit le: 06 Juil 2011 15:17
Messages: 8077
Localisation: Portugal
La Russie pourrait demander des roubles ou de l'or en échange d'énergie. Si cela se produisait …

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20220301 - Luke gromen.jpg
20220301 - Luke gromen.jpg [ 55.36 Kio | Consulté 4488 fois ]

Luke explique les options restantes à la disposition de la Russie et pourquoi les Chinois pourraient bénéficier de la situation.
Nous ne pouvons sanctionner l'énergie de la Russie car nos propres marchés sont tellement interconnectés.
La Russie pourrait demander des roubles ou de l'or en échange d'énergie.
Si cela se produisait, l'Europe n'aurait guère le choix.
Le véritable effet de levier dans le système du pétrodollar se situe du côté du « pétro ».
Il sera intéressant de voir comment cela se développera.


« Si la connaissance crée parfois des problèmes, ce n'est pas l'ignorance qui permet de les résoudre. » (Isaac Asimov)

 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 04 Mar 2022 16:20 

Inscrit le: 21 Oct 2008 21:44
Messages: 14309
Localisation: ----
Génial !
Pour un napo', j'ai combien de litres de fuel ? 100 litres ?
Et contre 1 pce de 50 Pesos ?

 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 04 Mar 2022 17:12 
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Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2008 17:48
Messages: 3693
L'idée c'est 500 à 1000 barils par oz.

 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 04 Mar 2022 17:16 

Inscrit le: 19 Oct 2008 22:38
Messages: 733
mook a écrit:
L'idée c'est 500 à 1000 barils par oz.

environ oui

 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 04 Mar 2022 17:29 
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Inscrit le: 23 Oct 2008 17:22
Messages: 2912
Localisation: Poitou-Charentes
mook a écrit:
L'idée c'est 500 à 1000 barils par oz.

Mais c'est énorme, ou je me trompe quelque part ?
Actuellement 115$ le baril, y a un truc qui m'échappe...

"Y a quelque chose qui cloche là-dedans, j'y retourne immédiatement!"
Boris VIAN

 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 04 Mar 2022 17:43 

Inscrit le: 19 Oct 2008 22:38
Messages: 733
Argenor a écrit:
La Russie pourrait demander des roubles ou de l'or en échange d'énergie. Si cela se produisait …

Pièce jointe:
20220301 - Luke gromen.jpg

Luke explique les options restantes à la disposition de la Russie et pourquoi les Chinois pourraient bénéficier de la situation.
Nous ne pouvons sanctionner l'énergie de la Russie car nos propres marchés sont tellement interconnectés.
La Russie pourrait demander des roubles ou de l'or en échange d'énergie.
Si cela se produisait, l'Europe n'aurait guère le choix.
Le véritable effet de levier dans le système du pétrodollar se situe du côté du « pétro ».
Il sera intéressant de voir comment cela se développera.


excellente interview merci !

 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 04 Mar 2022 17:44 

Inscrit le: 19 Oct 2008 22:38
Messages: 733
lampador a écrit:
mook a écrit:
L'idée c'est 500 à 1000 barils par oz.

Mais c'est énorme, ou je me trompe quelque part ?
Actuellement 115$ le baril, y a un truc qui m'échappe...

Nous sommes peut-être optimiste :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

je dirai 100 pour commencer

 Sujet du message: Re: Revue de Presse OR
MessagePublié: 04 Mar 2022 18:02 
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Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2008 17:48
Messages: 3693
lampador a écrit:
mook a écrit:
L'idée c'est 500 à 1000 barils par oz.

Mais c'est énorme, ou je me trompe quelque part ?
Actuellement 115$ le baril, y a un truc qui m'échappe...

ANOTHER(Sat Mar 07 1998 13:19 - ID#60253)
A Noble Purpose, This Oil For Gold

When one considers the merits of a specialized world oil currency, the thought usually turns immediately to "send in the military and stop them". I must ask, why? If an oil currency is born before or out of the shambles of an financial meltdown, and it offers great benefit to all, again I ask, why stop it? Look at the merits of such a move:

In a very real "currency sense", oil will be devalued in terms of gold. As one makes a currency weaker by increasing the money units per ounce of gold. Oil will become very cheap in gold, as the amount of gold paid per barrel will fall dramatically as compared to today's ratio. There will be much more than enough gold worldwide to quantify a "world oil currency". To that end, the world paper "reserve currency" at use in that time, will continue to be traded for oil at an extremely low price relative to today. The only change will be the addition of a "unit of real value" added to each trade, a "world oil currency", gold! However, in terms of today's currencies, gold will be "upvalued" to perhaps $10,000 to $30,000 an ounce. So as not to rewrite what is already an excellent piece on this coming readjustment, I will repost part of Mr. Allen ( USA ) 's perfect article on the subject along with his requested changes per his :

Date: Mon Dec 15 1997 11:06
Allen ( USA ) ID#246224:
Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 18:59
Allen ( USA ) ( More ruminations re: ANOTHER's recent posts ) ID#255190:
Last one on this topic until more ANOTHER posts. I'm not sure that it would be necessary to have that large a cabul in on the "offer" of oil for gold. Given the rather small market in gold in comparison to oil/currencies it would only take one or two well endowed oil states to pull this off. Here's why.

Let's say the Saudi's have been accumulating gold through the back door ( approx. 5,000 tonnes ) . They sell say 20 Mln Bbl oil a day. Close enough. At one ounce of gold per thousand Bbl oil that's 10,000 ounces of physical gold per day. That's a lot of physical gold.

The first few moments after the Saudi's proposal to trade oil for gold at a very steep discount of 1000 Bbl/oz ( approx. 1.5% of current US$ price ) there would be roars of laughter. One fast thinker after another would think "Hey. I buy some gold at $300/oz, trade for oil to receive 1 Mln Bbl, then sell the 1 Mln Bbl for US$ 10 Mln. Net profit is

$10,000,000-$300,000=$9,700,000. Easy money." .

Everyone at once turns to the gold market to buy, which promptly shuts down. Now no one is laughing. Because everyone realizes that gold is now worth at least $10,000 per ounce and no one is prepared for that revaluation. Whoever has gold now has 66.67 times the purchasing power in that stockpile. What appeared to be a stupid offer has now become a complete revaluation of all gold stockpiles vs all currencies.

Who has the gold?

( per corrections :Date: Mon Dec 15 1997 11:06 Allen ( USA ) ID#246224: )

Saudi stockpile guest-imate 5,000 metric tonnes = 5,000,000,000 GRAMS not ounces. Gold now at US$9.65 per gram revalued by multiple of 66.67 = US$643.37 per gram x 5 Bln grams = US$3.2 Tln.

Germany 2900 metric tonnes = 2.9 Bln grams, revalued to US$1.8 Tln.

USA 8,085 metric tonnes = 8.1 Bln grams, revalued to US$5.2 Tln.

Is this plausible??? How is it possible by making one little change in oil dealings could this ever happen? It is simply the very intelligent use of the scarcity of gold and the necessity of oil. It is the desire of one party, who is big enough to swamp the gold market, to make it the preferred vehicle for buying oil. In fact if not one ounce of gold is ever transacted for oil, but the offer is continued intact, then gold will be revalued simply by the possibility of trading. Those who are in a bad way in their currency situation can always get oil with their gold.

What would the impact of this revaluation of gold and currencies do? It would instantly shift economic and financial power into the hands of those who own large amounts of gold: CB's, Saudi's, Roths et al. It would mean that gold/oil would be THE CENTRAL POINTS OF ECONOMIC REFERENCE. It would mean that currencies would be devalued by a factor of 1000 in relationship to the new standard of gold ( as a proxy for oil wealth ) It would upset an awful lot of people. There would be no TARGET to shoot at or take over, however, because all other oil producers would immediately jump on this band wagon. Its a simple matter of what an interested party is willing to receive for their goods. Venezuela, with gold and oil reserves and production capacity, would be one of the wealthiest nations on earth. The world would be turned upside down geopolitically, wouldn't it. Literally "..the 'have-not's of the world will become the 'have's.."

Mr. Allen ( USA ) ,
Another thanks you for this thinking. It should be read by everyone with an interest in this area. It should also be studied by students wishing to learn of market dynamics. We also offer this piece as an addumnum to the above, also by the same author.

Date: Mon Dec 15 1997 10:49
Allen ( USA ) ( Quick Note to JTF re: 23:05 post - US$ oil float ) ID#246224:
US$ price of oil is floating. The "proposal" to offer oil for gold at say 1000 Bbl/oz is far below the present float price in US$. The gold market is SO SMALL that if the oil nation that made this proposal was pumping enough oil the gold market would be swamped by oil buyers who were looking to make a few ( !! ) US$ on the discrepancy in price. In effect this would revalue gold by inserting an entire different group of buyers into the gold market who have ALOT of money.

Why is it the oil nation would not just buy at market? Same as above. Their effect in the open market would basically shut down the market thereby frustrating their efforts to buy gold. Conversely, why would they then make the "proposal"? Because either they have enough gold to buy the world at the new price, there is a crisis in which they feel it is to their advantage to do this ( such as a US$ crisis ) or they might have a geopolitical rational. In the new valuation the US$ would still be intact. But its monopoly role would be altered. Its not that currencies would become worthless but that gold would become worth much more in relationship to paper currencies.

To answer the "military" question, asked at the begining of this article, I say:

The massive increase in the "reserve currency" price of gold would, no doubt be ushered into the USA house of congress as a godsend answer to Americas debt problems. With the "full production" of oil, now viewed as a sure thing, The world may well see the USA send the military into the Middle East just to ensure that this "deal" is not disturbed. After all, it is oil that will be massively devalued by gold.

Thank you

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